- 14 April 2021
Congratulations to the Bushby family who have completed on their first home at Howards Green just before Easter!
Laura and Ben and their two daughters Katie and Millie are now making wonderful new family memories in their beautiful three-bedroomed Indigo home.
The Darlington couple reserved the first plot at Howards Green late last year, but decided not to tell Katie and Millie they were buying a new home until they finalised the finer details.
Thirteen Homes sales executive Fay Garthwaite, said:
“It’s been great to be there and support the family on their journey to purchasing their new home and we were thrilled to be able to arrange an extra special visit for them all.
“Whilst viewing the plot, we handed the girls a card written by Laura, which revealed they were standing outside their new home!
“It was a magical moment to see the faces of two surprised, happy girls and it was extra special to be able show them their new bedrooms too!
“Now their dream home is complete, we’re so pleased they have now moved in and are getting settled.”
Howards Green is home to a beautiful collection of 3, 4 and 5 bedroom homes starting from just £189,950, and there are still plots available on the first phase of development.
A lot of what is offered as standard specification would usually be considered an upgrade, and Thirteen Homes are incredibly proud that their homes offer a different way.
The marketing suite at Howards Green is open in line with Government guidelines. It’s a great opportunity to meet our sales executive, Fay, discover each home’s amazing specification and find out exactly how you can turn your new home dreams into a reality!
So, come and see what Thirteen Homes at Howards Green has to offer. You will need to make an appointment – so let us know when you’re coming over. You can also make a virtual appointment should you prefer. Whichever you decide, please contact Fay on 07557 604 612, email sales@thirteenhomes.co.uk or use the button below.